Tie your equipment together with All State’s vending companion products. We make it easy for YOU to provide comprehensive vending solutions for businesses.
Micro Market stands
“By your side” our new line of micro market stands are there to support your micro market locations. With the same double-wall steel construction as all of our stands, they will not fall apart if you need to move them or re-arrange. We offer 3 choices of slats, stainless steel, or vinyl-clad steel in oak or walnut. Due to the high demand we have had for these attractive and durable stands, we would suggest a little lead time. Or we can just work our butts off and try to get it when you need it. See our New Micro Market stands in both 27 inch and 49 inch widths, display stands and kiosk stands. We can now supply 36 inch width if that is what your market requires.
Condiment stands
“By your side” if you need micro waves for your vending area, All State’s line of condiment/micro wave stands come in a variety of configurations to meet the needs of your customers. Our NEW AS 493-6 with 20 amp cords will hold up to 6 appliances. From the largest plant site, to the smallest break room, micromarkets and more, we’ve got you covered! See our full line of condiment stands.
OCS cabinets & carts
Our coffee service companion products provide stylish storage solutions for businesses and work well with single-serve coffee brewers and accessories. See our complete selection of OCS products.